Montemero Art Residency is a collaborative project dedicated to sustainable ecology and alternative art production and pursuing to provide a substantial experience and network to artists who are interested in these topics. Being located on a biological reserve near the Tabernas Desert juxtaposed with Almeria’s drought-riddled landscape and history of migrant labor exploitation, the research through the residency seeks to provide perspective into the intersection of ecology and social justice, as well as a space to explore alternative materials and sustainable approaches to art. 
Through this project, I continue to work closely with artists to create works specifically focused on land and sea, and I contribute to the curation and production of works utilizing local seaweed, soil, animal feces, kombucha SCOBY, site-specific biodegradable sculptures, performative works in tandem with the land, photography series with focus on agriculture-related issues, and more.
You can read more about the residency in article by Ariana Hastrudi. 
Read more about the issue of agriculture and migrant labor in Almeria.
Read more about the issue of agriculture and ecology in Almeria.
Feel free to get in touch with me if you are looking for more resources about the issue.
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